This weekend was jam-packed and I loved every minute of it. Usually our weekends are lot more relaxing and not as exciting. But, we turned it up this weekend and the next few weekends will be almost the same. SO, to start out our madness we went downtown on Friday night for an Olympic party and concert. Since Colorado Springs is the home to the Olympic training center they have an opening celebration of their own. It started off with the torch leading the training center at 3:30 and was taken downtown with festivities starting after that around 4:30. They shut down some of Tejon Street and at one end was the stage for the Rodney Atkins concert and the other end had a huge TV screen that played the actual Olympic opening ceremony. In between were a few activities. They had a synthetic ice rink where some demonstrations were held, a tennis court with trainers helping out whomever wanted to try, and some ramps where they had bikers doing tricks. It was pretty neat.
We headed downtown right after Brian got home from work and got a bite to eat a restaurant down the street from the festivities with ice cream for dessert. :) We then walked around and picked our spot for the concert. We set up shop and Jackson played and jumped around until the music started. Right next to us was a Tae Kwon Do demonstration and Jackson loved watching it. He did his own moves after it was over and it was very entertaining. At about 7:30 the opening act came on and it was Andy Gibson. He is a songwriter for big names like Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson. I enjoyed his music. After he was done they brought onstage some local fire fighters to thank them for all their hard work with the Waldo Canyon Fire. Donations were being taken to help out the fire fighting community through out the night. After that little presentation Rodney Atkins came on. He was really good and Brian, the kids, and I really enjoyed it. Both kids stayed awake the whole time and were SO good. At one point I was dancing with Ella in my arms and this girl walked up to me and said, "I notice you have a young baby and my friends and I were wondering what you did to lose all the weight so fast?" I was a little surprised that someone would just come up to me and ask but I have to say it felt good because I worked my butt off at home to fit in the post natal boot camp DVD workout. So that really made my night, ha! Here are a few candids from our night. I finally caught Ella's bunny nose scrunching on camera!

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