My sweet little boy who turns 2 1/2 today is officially potty trained! He actually has been for a few weeks now but I didn't want to jinx myself by saying it out loud. I am so proud of him and myself for getting through it. It took about 3 weeks to do it and I had in my head it would take a little longer because I have heard some stories from others and how it went for them. I know I posted after 2 weeks how it was going and I was getting frustrated but after that I post I kept Jackson in big boy underwear and he had a few accidents but after that he just got it and he tells us every time he has to go even if it is 3 times in an hour. He actually manages to go that many times too! The worst is when we are out at a restaurant and he has to go that many times. But I am just glad it is in the potty and not in his pants so I shouldn't complain. He is so funny because when he has to go #2 he makes me shut the door and leave him alone and then calls for me when he is finished. The other day we were on our way home from his speech therapy appointment and he told me he had to pee. I asked him if he could hold it because we were on the last stretch of our drive and there are only a bunch fields with cows and houses so no public restrooms. He said OK but 5 minutes later I turned around and he was wiggling in his seat and crying because he had to go so bad. I felt so bad for him. So, I pulled over on the side of the road and he had to pee in the weeds. It was quite an experience and I'm sure it won't be the last like that.
On another note I have noticed Jackson interacting more with Ella and she just loves it. Well, I just now turned to look at them and Jackson is standing next to her swing with his back to her and his shirt pulled up. I asked him what he was doing and he was trying to get her to scratch his back. Wish I could of captured the moment on camera. ;) Here are a few pictures of my two sweet kids! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Aubrey didn't want to cooperate :) And Ella was napping |
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