Thursday, June 14

Post Natal Boot Camp Finished

I finally finished the boot camp workout and am very happy with all my results. I got down to my pre-pregnancy weight by 10 weeks and at 12 weeks I was a pound under it. I am happy with that weight and will continue the workout DVD to maintain the weight. I also still have to work on toning my core muscles and getting rid of my muffin top. I am really proud of myself because I didn't work out at all after Jackson was born but I was determined this time to lose the weight because I had 3 weddings this year I was in. I set my goal and achieved it. Now Brian and I have decided to do the Run For Your Lives 5K obstacle course in July. It is a zombie infested race. :) They chase after you and try to steal your flag that is your health. Run For Your Lives Brian was a little worried I wouldn't be able to finish because I don't run but I proved to him that I think I am in shape when we recently went home to Alabama to visit our family. He asked me to go running with him and the first morning I ran 3 miles without stopping in 28 minutes and then the next morning I ran 3 1/2 miles. I was so proud of myself again. :) I have so much more to update on but I don't have that much time this morning so until next time.....

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