Monday, September 17

Virtual Book Club For Kids

So I have decided to link up with the the Virtual Book Club For Kids once a month to learn about other great children's books and activities and crafts to go along with them! This month the featured author is Lois Ehlert. I have chosen the book Fish Eyes because I did a wonderful craft with my son to learn his colors and numbers that involved fishing. This book is very cute and I love the colorful illustrations.

So here is my Fishin For Colors activity. I hope you enjoy!

  1. You need to get all the supplies. You will need different color foam sheets, a dowel rod, 2 pieces of string, scissors, strong magnets, a pencil, and a fish pattern.

2.  Cut out the fish pattern and trace it on each color of foam sheet. 
3.  Cut the fish out of each foam sheet.
4.  Place a magnet on each fish. I placed my magnets on as eyes on the fish. 
5.  Then cut your dowel rod in half to make 2 fishing poles. Tie a piece of string on one end of the rod. 6.  Then cut a "J" shape out of a gray or black foam sheet to make a hook. Tie the "J" on the other end of the string and place a magnet on the "J"
7.  Repeat step 6 to make the second fishing pole

The whole project cost me $7.28. And it was totally worth it when I saw the smile on his face and watched him enjoy it so much. He fished on the floor, table, and tub (minus the water). I hope your kids enjoy it as much as mine!

Don't forget Turn The Page Tuesday tomorrow!  Looking forward to see what great books everyone shares!

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely follow her blog! I love the ideas that people post with their books:)
